About Me

Saturday 10 December 2011

Re-Blog and a Opinion

I recently joined Twitter, and in Twitter you can retweet tweets. I'm going to re-blog. I'm re-blogging Credit from Post It....!

Because..... my frenemy copied me and has a blog, I know, not-tastic, well obvsy-doo it isn't. She's posting stuff that I could not write, and she knows it. I briefly have wrote about her cuz she was sooo horrible to me... and she saw. She found out cuz I told her, cuz I wanted to show her I wasnt dumb. AND SHE IS GOING TO SEE THIS. And hi, Gemma! She said to me I was actually stupid like my cousin once. I am not going to go into my cousin, but that really hurt me.

Now, loads of people are saying to her, "Gemma, you started a blog!! Cool!! You can put on your tastic thoughts!!! Ok, maybe they didnt say tastic but still.
 No-one, apart from Pip and Adrianna and my skating friends said a similiar thing to me. The rest probably thought, "Oh shame, she's so desperate for compliments she's gone and started a pity blog." I did not tell everybody hastily (!) so I was not fishing or drawing compliments from people's mouths. I am watching the X Factor final and have a life, so I'm not staying up blogging on a SATURDAY night. Don't people have better things to do????? Seriously. Also---------- Salty or Sweet popcorn?? Hmmmm I think I might need to notify (!) David Cameron to help......

Also, people who are blogging on a Saturday night .. Stop!!! Tomorow going on a picnic with my cousin. Maybe later I'll tell you bout him. Also dont be lonerish and spend hours on end on a Sat. night or u will be declared (!) lonerishy! And dont make fake followers OR friends. Then you'll be a) not tastic and b) lonerish!! k thats all.


  1. Hey, Naomi! Thanks for re-bloggging me! I might do a blog, but watching X Factor Finals as well. Little Mix rules! I really like this blog! I'm sure people now think your blog is amazing! I say.. Salty Popcorn!
    Emzy xx

  2. Does that make me lonerish? I blogged this evening. Apart from that great blog and interesting idea of re-blogging!

  3. As long as you did other stuff and didnt spend like an hour or so on it, then you arnt lonerish. Thanks so much for the comments you guys are tastic fans!!

  4. I liked Amelia Lily, but now I'm rooting for Little Mix. Very nice blog Naomi-- you have a talent.

  5. Naomz I remember my password and Im doing a new post ps I LUVVVVVVVVVV this blog and the previoues one!!!!!

  6. OMG naomi lauren told me that gemma hates blogging i know

  7. Thanks so much Susie your really nice and have the same humour as me!
    Hey Pipla looked at ur latest blog sooo sweet luv ya pipla xxxxxxxxxx omg noway I know Gemma would not like blogging. Sorry everyone x Nt oxo

  8. If I haven't expressed this already, I LOVE your blog xxx
    The one thing I would say is blog more often! I want to hear more of your stories!
    Cari xxxxxx
